We are well and truly in the swing on things when it comes to home learning! It's been another amazing week on SeeSaw, filled with snow filled adventures, fantastic story writing and some beautiful R.E work...
In Reading, we started the week by listening to a listen via Oaks Academy. We learnt all about what the word 'empathy' means and thought about our favourite characters. We had a similar lesson on Wednesday, where we had to use our reading knowledge to answer questions. Throughout the week, we also completed comprehension questions and squeezed in time for some brilliant book reviews. We also started to read our new book, 'The Demon Headmaster!' – howe exciting!
In Maths, we continued to focus upon multiplication and division. Starting the week, our attention shifted to problem solving – it was great to see you using arrays and the column method to help you with this! We then moved on the multiplying 3 numbers together – learning that this is commutative (you can do it in any order!). On Friday we completed a mini quiz on all of our learning over the last couple of weeks! We moved onto division next week!
In English, we completed our very own mission possible stories! We started by thinking about how to use speech in our stories, whilst also completing very detailed story maps. On Thursday and Friday we let our imaginations run wild with all sorts of top secrets going on with our spy hero characters! THEY WERE FANTASTIC!
We took part in Worships across the week, including Picture News and Mrs Chesters told us all about the story of Jesus turning water into wine.
In French, we carried on practising our numbers to 31. There were some super videos and pictures of you all working hard on your pronunciation – tres bien, Y4!
In Music, we listened to a lesson from Mr Norbury – he told us all about the science behind sound – how fascinating! He showed us demonstrations and used visuals to help us all understand.
In R.E, we listened to two clips about Hinduism. We learnt all about the religion and made notes on important details! Your fact finding mission was a great success!
In Computing, we completed an hour of code activity. We used Minecraft to build algorithms, whilst also having the skills to debug incorrect patterns of code too! Well done!
On Friday, we took a step back from our learning and focused on our mental health and well being. We looked at our emotions and created some artwork around this!
Have a fantastic weekend and I will see you all on Monday,
Mr Dale
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street