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C of E Primary School

Working hard in Year 6

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A busy week in Year 6!

This week in Maths we have continued to investigate place value. We have compared and rounded numbers into the millions and we have worked with negative numbers too. Before we move on to a new unit, we consolidated our learning and assessed our new knowledge. Next week we will begin a new unit on the four operations.

In English this week we have written our "Have A Go" pieces thinking about the word disappointment. Many different topics were included, and from these we have now set three targets to achieve. Parenthesis has been a focus this week and is one of our targets. As a class we then performed and rehearsed a model story I had written and followed the images as a supporting tool. We are now ready to rehearse the final paragraph and begin to move onto our boxing up stage. We will continue with this piece next week.

In Book Club this week we have focused on reading aloud. I have set all children a comprehension question to now answer. It is lovely to see so many children enjoying their new banded books. I have learnt all about Orcas this week and migrating animals.

In SpaG this week we have continued to focus on suffixes and we have also revisited the letter string ough. We are enjoying the new spelling programme and the interactive videos that accompany our lessons.

We have continued with our new Science unit this week, Evolution, Adaptation and Inheritance. Many thanks for all your completed inheritance photos they were used in our lesson as we tried to spot each other's inherited characteristics. We then moved our learning on to adaptation and what this means. We completed an activity to embed our learning by matching the correct living thing to its habitat and adapted characteristics. We can talk about how each living thing must adapt to survive and reproduce.

Discussions about our families and where they were in the past has been our topic of conversation in our History lesson this week. Thank you for supporting your child in finding this information out. We were very interested to hear all about the past places and professions our family members have been involved in. I thoroughly enjoyed the dialogue children had with each other and we will continue with our look into previous generations next week.

In RE this week we continued to discuss our big question and thought about how God could be described. We listened carefully to the lyrics of a Chris Tomlin song called "Indescribable" and then created a wordle to share our ideas.

Our Music skills came into action this week as we played our glockenspiels using the notes A and G. We were introduced to a new song sung by the Carpenters, Top of the World and thought about how this song made us feel. Some of us enjoyed this piece, but it was not for all of us. We improvised at the end of our lesson and played along to Happy.

Computing enabled us to use algorithms to set our characters in motion. Some of the stages are quite challenging and are really making us think.

This week we shared our first Year 6 worship via a video link. We introduced ourselves to the rest of school and talked about our roles and what they would be all about. We watched the video ourselves which brought a smile to our faces.

Mindfulness meant bubbles in Year 6 this week. We talked about our feelings and how negative feelings can be let go. We decided to place any of our negative feelings inside a bubble and watched it fly away. Great fun outside in the sunshine was had by all.

We have also taken part in the daily mile, our PE lesson and a PHSE lesson taught by Mrs Jenkins.

Our French lesson brought us to the end of our week. We recapped numbers to 31 and learnt the days of the week. C'est quel jour? C'est Vendredi. We love a Friday in Year 6!

New homework has been set and can be found in the back of your child's reading response book. I have set a new SpaG task and today we revisited the lesson from last week. Reading and TT Rock stars are also top of the homework list.

Wow, what a busy week we have had and how hard you are all working Year 6. I am proud of each and every one of you. Have a wonderful weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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