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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Year 5!

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Welcome back Year 5! It has been so nice to have you all back in our classroom and be able to see one-another face-to-face. I have really enjoyed our first week back together and hope that you have too!

On our first day back together, we spent time talking to one another and catching up on how we had been. The children completed some mindful colouring whilst chatting to each other in the morning. We then looked around school to see remind ourselves of the one-way system and to see our new reading shelves and displays. The children were told about our new Year 5 books and many seemed excited to start to read them! After discussing our routine and what we would be learning about this term, the children started our new unit of Maths. We have started a new unit in Maths this week – Fractions!

In our Maths work on Monday, we recapped the concepts that we had learnt about Fractions in Year 4. We discussed equivalent fractions, improper fractions and mixed number fractions. We discussed how fractions are written as decimals and the value of tenths and hundredths. We then moved on to our first lesson of our new unit. We learnt about equivalent fractions. We used fraction strips to represent how fractions are equal to one another. We were fantastic in our all of our Maths lessons this week. I was amazed by how much you all remembered from our Year 4 fraction work. Later on, in our week, we moved on to learn about mixed number and improper fractions and how we could convert between the two. Using the idea of slices of pizza, we worked out how we could convert between these two types of fractions.

In our English work this week, we started by writing up neatly, with our best handwriting, our school recipes. You all did an amazing job using images, drawings and interesting fonts. After we completed our work, we moved on to write our own cold writes. These are pieces of work in which the children show me the skills that they have. The children were asked to write a warning story. We started by talking about warning stories we knew – Little Red Riding Hood, Into the Woods and we even talked about how elements of Harry Potter were warning stories. Later on, in the week, we started to learn the first chapter of our model text. We will continue to learn this this week.

Our first Science lesson gave us the opportunity to recap our learning in our properties and changes of materials unit. In doing so we unlocked our Science brains to think about how we would classify materials and what tests can be done to investigate, amongst others, the transparency, conductivity and absorbency of materials. We explored a set of materials noting down their properties, how they could be classified, and their similarities and differences.

This week, we started our new HeartSmart unit – Don't Rub it in, Rub it Out! As a class, we discussed the meaning of forgiveness and how we can show forgiveness. Some of us thought talking things through would allow us to move forward whilst others felt they find forgiveness quite difficult. Next we focused on different perspectives. This included how to develop simple strategies to resolve conflict. In small groups, we role-played conflict resolution. The role of mediator gave us the opportunity to acknowledge the perspective of others in a given scenario. The importance of questions asked by the mediator were acknowledged, and we saw how listening to others can help resolve conflict.

In music, we began our Glockenspiel unit. We learnt about the Language of Music (semibreve, semibreve rests, minims, minim rests, crotchets, crotchet rests). Then we began to play Easy E (playing note E). The focus for next week will be to create a duet performance by splitting the class into 2 groups.

During Big Art this week, we have explored the work of Victoria Topping. She is the illustrator of our book 'Mythologica'. We explored how she used pop art, abstract drawings and digital images to represent the Gods and Goddesses. We explored the use of drawings and colour palettes to represent the god/goddess's nature. We then went on to learn about the god/goddess represented in the pictures that we explored and were able to recognise why specific drawings and symbols had been used. In order to create our own art work in this style, we researched, using the iPads, the different gods and goddesses and decided which we would use to inspire our work. Using what we found, we were able to choose which drawings and symbols we will use in our work.

Year 5 have had two PE sessions this week. On Tuesday, we were taught by Sportscape who helped us to develop our Athletics skills. This week's focus was on shot put. We learnt how to aim and throw with strength. In our cricket lesson this week, we learnt about the skills needing for batting and fielding. At the beginning, the children were asked to throw the ball in the air, high above their head whilst still looking at it and clapping behind their back before catching the ball. This showed the children the importance of looking watching the ball. Then, the children learnt about the technique needed for batting. They put all of this in to practice in a whole class game. It was so much fun!

We also had a visit from PC Faye this week. This was PC Nick's friend and colleague. She spoke to us about the importance of staying stay outside. We learnt about the importance of wearing a helmet, crossing the road safely and were able to ask questions at the end.

We ended our week, on Friday, with some wellbeing time. The children were asked to create some more dots which will be used for our school display. We used oil pastels and colouring pencils whilst listening to some calming music and talking to our friends.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week!
Miss Welch

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