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C of E Primary School

Welcome back Year 3!

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Welcome back Year 3! You have settled back in to school life so well and you look so grown up in your Year 3 classroom! We have been so busy too having lots of fun and learning lots. We started our week by discovering all about our new story 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. We looked into the mystery box to find clues to what the first chapter is about. I am excited to read more with you and find out the adventures that Michael goes on!

We started our Big Art project by painting using lots of different shades of blue. We still wanted to create a group art project but we knew this year's had to be slightly different to make sure we all stay safe. We each painted our own section of a huge wave and then next week we will put it together to make a group big art project.

In English this week we went on a word hunt by learning how to use our special year 3 dictionaries. I am super impressed with how many words you found and this will help us when we come across a new word in our story. We also had our first spellings lesson using our new programme and you worked so hard at this too!

We got used to our own way system for going to the toilet and washing our hands and eating lunch in the classroom was quite fun too! We have had worship in the classroom too rather than in the hall and we have coped with the changes to our school day very well.

I hope you enjoyed your first few days back as much as I did. I am already looking forward to next week together and all the learning and fun we will have!

Miss McCurrie

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