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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Y6

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Welcome back Year 6. We will keep up to date with each other whilst we are still home learning and also in school provision by sharing a few snip-bits of what we have all been up to.

In Maths we have tackled decimals this week. We have multiplied, divided, and thought about equivalent decimal fractions too. You have worked so hard and I am really proud of you. You have used my teaching videos and worked alongside me on your whiteboards and then used your Power Maths books to think independently. We will return to decimals next week. We finished our week off with our arithmetic paper and what high scores you are all achieving. You are using your fraction knowledge so well.

In English this week we began by considering different word classes. We then went on to use these in our word banks thinking about rainforests. Similes, metaphors and personification have been at the top of our list. We have used a comprehension task, images and music to create interesting language. Using our rainforest experience plans, we then drafted a piece of descriptive writing. We have included many of the word classes and focused on similes, metaphors and personification too. What a great week of descriptive writing and I have loved reading them all. We have ensured SpaG.com is up to date and we have also completed two new activities. We have finished our week off by completing our grammar and punctuation activities in our SpaG CGP books.

In Book Club this week we have spent time together sharing some of the new books that are waiting in our classroom for when you return. I have shared eight different books with you this week and introduced you to our class story – When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit. I know lots of you have your eyes on one of our new books and we can come together as a team to share them out. We finished our week in Book Club by completing the First News quiz and a challenging one on dog breeds.

I have received lots of pictures of you sharing your afternoon activities with me. Keep them coming in as I love to see what you are all doing. We have completed a coding challenge, focused on the Islamic faith in RE, learnt about the Haka dance in PE, we have learnt the months of year in French, remembering that they do not begin with capital letters. We have finished our week off with the story Dot and a wellbeing activity to match. What a great week you have all had.

Thank you for all your seesaw posts and completing my tasks in this different way of learning. I read all the comments you send me and hope you keep them coming in. I MISS YOU Y6 and can't wait for you to return to class soon.

Your teacher,
Mrs B

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