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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Preschool

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Welcome back preschool. You have been very busy this week I can tell that you are rested after your half term break.

This week your learning has been based around the theme 'Under the Sea'. The project this week aimed to provide opportunities for you to learn more about life in and around the sea.

You listened to the story of 'The Snail and the Whale' (many of you said this story was a favourite) then you enjoyed hunting for snails ready for a snail race. You also enjoyed finding out the difference between a garden snail and a sea snail. You created your own 'Under the Sea' scene, I have enjoyed listening to your descriptions on tapestry. You have explored floating and sinking; your paddling pools were great for this activity and you created a fishing game to explore magnets.

Within your literacy tasks you have continued with your daily phonics, it is lovely to see the progression in your learning and many of you have amazed me with your sound blending skills!. You have been learning by heart the song ' 1,2,3,4,5, Once I caught a Fish Alive' and you have thoroughly enjoyed fishing for sounds and playing the buried treasure phonics game. You have shared the stories 'The Snail and the Whale' and 'Sharing a Shell' and worked hard to hear rhyme within the stories, focused on describing and talking about the feelings of the characters. To develop your writing skills you have drawn a picture of your favourite under water creature, imagined being at the beach drawing what you can see, feel, hear, smell and touch and drawn a picture of Henry the crab!

To enhance your physical development you have participated in different under the sea yoga sessions, Namaste! To support your fine motor skills you have enjoyed dough disco sessions and you had lots of fun 'snail writing', creating slime and using shaving foam to make marks, form letters and write your name.

To support your mathematics skills this week you have been making simple patterns. You have created patterns on the computer, created a repeated pattern using objects from around the house and used your bodies to create repeated action patterns. Your tongue twister patterns did make me smile.

It has been a good week, thank you for all your observations via tapestry. Have a great weekend and I can't wait to learn together again next week.
Miss you all,
Tara xx


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