This week we have been on a journey and discovered just how wonderful we really are. As part of your homelink you were asked to add a photograph of the people that live in your house and a photograph of your child as a baby. This has led our learning this week.
Within our personal, social and emotional development we have shared photographs of the people that live in our house and have discussed how our families make us feel. I was very impressed at how we took it in turns to sit and listen to each other.
Within our mindfulness this week we shared the story 'Feelings Yoga' by Jodi Norton. We practiced different yoga poses to help us express our feelings. Some of our poses included, 'Warrior pose': stand proud and tall to show we are brave ,'Ragdoll Pose': we flopped down and touched the ground to show we are sad, 'Child's Pose': we rolled on our back and swayed to show we are happy but our favourite pose was the 'Hug Pose': this pose reminds us that everything will be alright.
To enhance our physical development we have used our bodies to move in a variety of ways, we have hopped, jumped, crawled, rolled, ran, balanced and so much more – aren't our bodies clever! We have also discovered the many things our hands can do and this week we have focused on using our hands to hold scissors to make snips in paper and cut along lines. To develop our fine motor skills further, we have begun our dough disco sessions and have been introduced to the actions 'squeeze, roll, splat and pinch'. Click on the link to practice this session at home –
To build upon our literacy skills we have continued to develop our listening skills and have listened to a variety of stories. We have also drawn a picture of the people that live in our house.
Within our mathematics development we have used numberblocks to count an amount of objects 1-5 and have begun to develop our 1:1 correspondence with touch counting.
To develop our understanding of the world we have compared pictures of the children as babies to now and discussed how we have changed. "I can walk now", "My mummy had to change my nappy when I was a baby", "I couldn't talk" " I couldn't eat food". We then discussed what our mummys, daddy and older siblings can do that we can't."My mummy can wash up and I can't", "My sister can do a forward roll and I can't". We also enjoyed washing our dolls in the bath and and continued to talk about how we change as we grow. "When I was a baby I couldn't sit in the bath on my own", "I can play with toys in the bath now".
Within our ICT this week, we have used the paint program on the interactive whiteboard to create our self portraits. We used our finger to select appropriate colours for our different features and then drew ourselves.
Within our expressive arts and development we have explored water colours. We used a pen to draw a portrait of our families and then used water colours to bring our pictures to life. We had to think carefully about the colours we selected and experimented to mix our desired colours. We have also been using our bodies to sing lots of ation songs including ; Head, shoulders, knees and toes' and the 'hokey cokey'.
Within our free play we have used our imaginations in abundance, we have been to Santaland, built skyscrapers, taken care of our babies, enjoyed using our ict equipment to take selfies, send emails and order toys and even been to Africa!
Next week we will continue to discover how wonderful we are as we use our senses to explore Autumn.
Have a lovely weekend everyone
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