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C of E Primary School

Très Bien Year 3!

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Well what a busy week we have had this week Year 3! In maths this week, we have worked hard learning all about perimeter in our Power Maths unit on length. We measured the perimeters of lots of regular and irregular shapes in both millimeters and centimeters. We also looked at how we can use multiplication to make the process faster and started converting our measurements between cm and mm.We have also focused on building up our reasoning skills, giving ourselves the tools needed to solve worded maths questions.

In English this week we have been working hard on our spelling and grammar work. This week has seen us focus on the homophones their, there and they're and applying this to our writing throughout the week. We only recapped apostrophes in the contracted form e.g. I'm, I'd, and what the apostrophe represents. We practically explored how two words become one word and why we need an apostrophe to show the missing letter. We did this by performing some operations to the words and applying the plaster to put the words back together and show the apostrophes! You were great budding doctors at work with the word work! You then worked hard on applying these words to your writing in our English lessons. A super week of writing, Year 3!

Our RE this week was all about the stories of the 10 lepers and discussed the different ways in which Jesus had healed them. We have also particularly enjoyed worship this week, singing two of our favourite songs and even joined year 4 to sing My Lighthouse – a firm favourite in Year 3. You sang it so beautifully too!

Our afternoons were filled this week with lots of history and geography! We started the week recapping what a country is and what is a continent. We learnt the continent song too! We made a list of all the countries of the world that we knew...we thought of 41 between us all which is quite impressive! We then played some continent games and put together the world map with the huge floor jigsaw puzzle. We then investigated the countries that were ruled by the Romans and located them on maps using our class atlases.

We then moved on to ask the question 'Do you know why Roman roads are still famous today?' This was our next focus in our history and geography time this week. We discovered how Roman roads were built and why they were important. Using atlases we identified which Romans towns and cities were interconnected. This was great fun as by the end of the activity, we had labelled and painted our own map of England.

In music this week, we started a new unit looking at folk music and enjoyed playing the recorders. You are sounding great as a class!

In PE you played badminton with Mrs Jenkins (look out for the news update). We really enjoyed our extra PE lesson this week too, with Year 4 where we learnt all about rounders and played a game too!

In PSHE we looked at how trust can be created and lost and how it's important not to let one action affect our feelings towards others.

We finished the week with some computing time and French. Computing this week saw us continue to build our project skills using Google Sites to build our own class website. You have now added text, pictures and a header. In French we focused on some classroom commands such as sit down, listen, look at me and repeat after me. Can you remember any of them to show off your French skills at home? Très bien!

I hope you have all had a wonderful, restful weekend.

Miss McCurrie

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