The time came for us to say goodbye to Y6 today. Even social distancing didn't stop us from celebrating! This afternoon we had a fabulous social distancing picnic together and even the weather was kind to us.
It was lovely seeing you all together for one last time as you spread out your blankets and chatted and giggled. We even had time to play a few games, from trying to get an oreo in to our mouths without using our hands to seeing how many mini marshmallows we could stick to our faces! We had a small presentation lead by Mrs Chesters and we ended our short time together with our favourite chant from PGL.
I am so proud of you all. You have shone through these strange times and you are all stars. This is seen in your leavers service which I hope you enjoy. I have emailed you the link to our service and as it is quite a long recording, it may take a few minutes to download.
I think all that is left for me to say is a huge thank you for all your support and kind words and of course a thank you for the lovely gifts you have spoilt me with. I am a very luck teacher. Have a wonderful summer holiday and I wish you all the very best as you prepare for your next steps. You are going to be fabulous and your schools will be very lucky to have you all. I will miss each and every one of you!
Your teacher,
Mrs B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street