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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Reception weekly news

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Thank you for another fantastic week of learning reception class, as we have explored the theme of famous and significant people.

We were very excited to revisit some of the stories from our favourite author 'Julia Donaldson' especially the Gruffalo story. After listening carefully, we drew our favourite character and then labelled their distinctive features which helped us to write a character description about them. We then created a wanted poster for the Gruffalo, recalling all his features too.

This week we have been learning a new skill of using Makaton to emphasise key words in our spoken sentences and have tried our best to do this to the Gruffalo song. We needed fast hands and good hand eye-coordination! Of course, you picked it up really quickly and were very good, me: less so!

In our maths learning we focused on the concept of weight where we compared two items and learnt how balance scales show which item is lighter or heavier by acting like a seesaw,
where the heavier person or object tips down and the lighter goes up. To help our understanding we compared objects that where the heavier object was bigger, also where two objects that were similar in size.and where the heavier object was smaller, recognising that the size of an object doesn't predetermine that it will be heavier.

We also took part in the virtual Town Sports competition this week, where we earned individual points and collective points for the school. We attempted 5 disciplines from field and track events: shot put, hurdle, long jump, bean bag race and triple jump. Go reception!

Whilst the weather has been very good to us we have been out in the garden and allotment area, harvesting all the fruit and vegetables that we planted in the beginning of the year. Our strawberries can only be best described as 'whoppers!' and they were incredibly juicy. I know our grown ups have enjoyed having the peas, beans and onions as additional ingredients to the teatime table.

Have a restful weekend
Mrs Taylor

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