This week has been a very sporty week as you have focused your learning around different sporting activities that you enjoy.
Having a time challenge with members of your family was a very popular choice this week as you either hopped, skipped, jumped, or even star jumped to see how many you could complete in one minute. There was some very impressive scoring going on and it was lovely to see you challenging yourself. Please let me know where you got your energy from?
In your writing this week you have made a list of some of the sports you know and enjoy and then illustrated a picture of yourself completing a sporting activity, which you have explained in a sentence underneath. It is fantastic to see so many of you working independently with your writing tasks this term. I can see smart letter formation, letters sitting on the writing line, great sounding out and recognition of special friend sounds and punctuation!
In phonics you have continued learning your set 2 sounds. I know some of you found it a bit of a challenge this week with the new reading and spelling words to accompany them, but I am really pleased that you persevered and didn't give up. Keep going and it will become easier!
In your maths activities this week you have started to look at the concept of odd and even numbers using your understanding of equal groups to identify them. Using a range of items you attempted to share them out into teams of two and recognised that some number of items shared equally and these numbers are called even numbers, and some number of items cannot be shared equally into two equal groups and these are called odd numbers. Using counters, objects around the home and even Numicon pieces you started to recognise that there is a pattern to odd and even numbers.
Thank you for sharing your afternoon activities and wellbeing projects from across the week on Tapestry, especially the lavender shortbread recipe! Hopefully I will be having a go at following that this weekend.
Have a lovely weekend and I can't wait to see you all again on Monday as you return to school.
Get lots of rest!
Mrs Taylor and Miss Alex
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street