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C of E Primary School

Reception Class Weekly News

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Another super busy week in reception!

In our literacy based activities this week, we have continued with our daily phonics sessions, adding i, n, p, g and o sounds to our known sounds. We have practiced saying the sounds in different words, reading sounds, writing sounds and blending sounds to say the words that Fred (our phonics frog) has sounded out to us. We are really enjoying our fun phonics sessions, so much so, that some of us have been continuing practicing at home as a chosen activity! Thank you for the lovely Tapestry updates of your achievements at home.

We have starting to become been confident writers this week, writing our names with effective pencil control and letter formation, writing a short sentence starting with a capital letter, finger spaces between our words and ending in a full stop. This certainly was an exciting moment as we discovered it was actually quite easy once we knew how to structure it. Using our letter sound knowledge we have also written labels for some of the characters and objects from our story 'The pencil.' I think it would be fair to say, our pencils have been very busy this week!

As part of our baseline activities this week we have demonstrated our receptive vocabulary, identified initial sounds in words, attempted to read cvc words or a short sentence as well as story sequencing and predicting story endings.

As part of our physical development we have made healthy choices at snack time, choosing fruit and water or milk, understanding that these choices are good for our bodies and teeth and help us to grow. Whilst seated at our tables enjoying our snack, we have used the opportunity to develop our language and communications skills. we have listened to relaxing music and talked to our table friends about the musical instruments we could identify and how the music made us feel. Luckily it made most of us feel calm or happy, although there were a few replies of feeling sleepy, maybe that was just the soporific affects of the bananas we had just eaten!

In our PE session with Mrs Swan we have been finding spaces and travelling forwards and backwards showing an awareness of others and taking into account our speed! We have also been out today, to attempt our first daily mile on the new track. We didn't quite make the eight laps to make a mile but we came close before needing a big drink and a sit down.

Our Heartsmart PHSE lesson, as part of our personal, social and emotional development, saw us becoming Boris! As we mentioned last week Boris is a robot with a heart, a heart that teaches us how to love ourselves and love others. In becoming Boris, we worked co-operatively to make a child size robot suit to wear. This required us to listen to each others ideas and adapt and change our plans when we discovered that some of our ideas didn't work. We are starting to understand that in learning we sometimes make mistakes in our first attempts and that the fun of learning is working our where we can make changes and improvements when we discover why something didn't work.

In our mathematical activities this week we have focused on counting to 4, linking the skill of counting four concrete objects from around the classroom and garden, ensuring we had good one to one correspondence, to the pictorial representation of 4. Our great discovery was that no matter how we arranged our objects they still made 4! So we challenged ourselves to recognise the number of objects in small groups without having to count them. Great subitising reception!

Not only have we had Boris the Robot in class this week we have also had Tom the Robot too! As part of our understanding the world development, we have had great fun with unplugged coding. After creating a grid on the classroom floor, we needed to work out which symbols we needed for each square to program Tom (our human robot) to move from his starting position to the finish line. We discussed what each symbol meant and then took turns to code in the instructions. Tom followed the symbols brilliantly until he did a u turn and came back to the start! Thankfully we recognised which part of our coding had given that instruction, removed it and replaced it with the correct instruction and off he set again. Second time lucky, Tom crossed the finish line: hurrah!

This week has also seen us continue to learn a little bit more about each other and draw up our family trees. Using black marker pens we carefully drew the family members close to us and then used watercolours to infill the figures. This required us to select colours and mix different shades together to make skin tones and favourite colours of clothing.

After such a busy week, it has been great to practice our mindful breathing activity at certain points, where we concentrated on breathing in slowly through our noses, counting to 4 in our heads and slowly breathing out through our mouths in a gentle breath. Repeated several times it has brought us a lovely sense of calm and peace.

Have a restful weekend
Mrs Taylor, Alex and Rachel.

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