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C of E Primary School

Reception class news

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Thank you for another fabulous week, reception class.

This week we looked at the theme of music to lead our learning.
We began by listening to some stories and added our own sound effects, like swishing grass, squelchy mud, splashy river. We then practiced different body percussion sounds to a song, and adding more as we became confident with the concept. We shook, clapped, tapped, banged, rubbed, stomped our sillies out and wiggled our waggles away!!

After listening to a piece of classical music we painted along to express how the music was making us feel. I think it mostly made us feel happy and lots of bright colours were used.

In our writing activities we thought about how some musical instruments are played, for example bang a drum, tap a tambourine, shake the maracas. We drew each instrument we explored, then wrote out the words of the sounds.

After listening to the story of Mr Big, we wrote an invitation for him to come and play his piano at our school. We explained what we liked about his music and how it made us feel and hoped that he would join us.

As the week progressed we performed our favourite nursery rhyme to each other and then made a picture sequence of the rhyme which we then used to write up our nursery rhyme the following day.

In our maths learning this week we recapped number bonds to 10, firstly by exploring the composition of 10 , moving from concrete to pictorial representations. Once secure we explored different compositions of 10 using the song ten green bottles. We were able to visually see how many bottles were on the wall and how many had fallen and make then into number sentences. Towards the end of the week to consolidate our learning, we worked out how many bottles we had and then how many more we needed to make up to 10. Great job reception!

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