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C of E Primary School

Preschool News

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This week you have been superstars completing your learning tasks at home. Your focus for this week was music and sound and exploring shape.

You began your day singing hello with Libby and then joined her for your dough disco sessions – thanks Libby!

For your literacy tasks you read the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen and added in your own musical sound effects, We were very impressed at how inventive you were. You have also sang nursery rhymes with Mr.Tumble and sang your favourite rhyme. You enjoyed painting/drawing to classical music then discussed how the music made you feel -"happy, nice".

For you mathematics tasks this week you have explored shape. You went on a shape hunt around your home, created a picture using shape and sang shape songs. To end your week, you found recycled 3D shape objects e.g. boxes, bottles, tubes, you then talked about whether the shapes roll? Can you build the shapes on top of each other to make a tower? Can you see any 2D shapes? Great exploring!

It was lovely to see you participating in your other tasks too, including, making musical instruments, using a stick to explore making music around the house, creating clap beat sequences and using pots and pans to make your own drum kit!

You ended your days listening to a story read by Ashleigh- what a treat!

What a fun week of learning you have had!

Thank you for being so wonderful Preschool and for making us proud each and every day.
Love from
Tara, Libby and Ashleigh :)

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