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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

PE Weekly News

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Wow! What a fantastic week in PE!

We've had some lovely weather and have been able to spend our PE time out on the field.
This week has seen us mixing sports.
Year 1 practised their dodging skills in a game of tag and then improved their target throwing skills in a game of Throlf. Based on golf, we moved around 'holes' looking to throw our ball from a spot into a hoop in the least amount of tries.
Year 3 worked on teamwork and communication whilst passing a football between cones, followed by a game of Foot Golf.
Year 6 continued practising movement and dodging skills with a football and also played a game of Foot Golf with a few tricky holes where they needed to curve the ball around trees and benches to find the hoop!

We've also carried on logging our daily mile laps and are trying hard to improve our sustained running at an easy pace rather than running too fast and having to walk lots!

Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Jenkins

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