It has been lovely to all be back together as our Preschool family this week. Preschool has been filled with laughter and excitement whilst having lots of fun playing with our friends and we even managed to fit in some learning too!
In our personal, social and emotional development, we continued with our HeartSmart unit on forgiveness and built upon our prior learning of working cooperatively together. We played a game called 'Robots and Mechanics'; we had to pretend to be robots, like Boris and move around the Preschool garden. I explained that some of our robots needed our help and we needed to program the robots to move in different ways. So, we took it in turns to be robot mechanics. The robots had to listen carefully and only follow the instructions given by the mechanic. Boris reminds us that, "Working together means talking and listening to each other".
To support our physical development, we have continued to focus on developing our ball skills and recapped kicking a ball and throwing and catching a ball. We have also enjoyed activities to support our fine and gross motor skills, including, threading, snipping and cutting daffodils and straws and daliy dough disco sessions.
Nursery rhymes have been the focus of our literacy sessions this week. As you know, this year is the year of the National Census! On Thursday, we carried out our own census. We were asked what our favourite nursery rhyme was. We sang and drew our favourite nursery rhyme then collated our findings in a graph. You can see our graph in the photograph section.
In mathematics this week, we have recapped our learning of the numbers 1-5 and have been representing these numbers in different ways
Within our understanding of the world development, we finished our unit 'On the farm'. This week we recapped the role of farmers, discussed how animals grow and looked at life cycles. We have also begun to notice changes in our outdoor environment, next week we will explore this further as we learn about spring.
We had our mummy's in mind during our expressive arts and design development this week. We have experimented with water colours to paint a beautiful bouquet and we painted a picture of a daffodil for our Mothers Day cards. Each one is unique and beautiful just like our mummy's.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and I hope all your mummy's enjoy a relaxing Mothering Sunday.
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