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C of E Primary School

Our week at Preschool 27.05.21

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Preschool, how is it half term already!?

This half term has flown by in the blink of an eye and what a wonderful half term it has been. You are all superstars and you make me Libby and Ashleigh smile every day – thank you. Give yourselves a silent cheer!

This week we have recapped our learning from the half term...

To support our communication and language and understanding the world development, we have been answering questions about our learning, such as, 'How to grow a bean seed, 'Explaining the life cycle of a bean', 'Discussing the pollination process '. I am amazed at how much information we have retained, what a knowledgeable bunch we are ;) We have also thought about why some of our seeds and plants have not grown very well – "It has been cold" "To much rain" "We forgot to water it". We are hoping to have more success with our sunflower seeds than we have our bean seeds.

In our personal, social and emotional development, we completed our HeartSmart unit: I tell the truth. This week, we talked about the different things we do with our families in our homes. We discussed the things that we play, read and say to each other in our homes. It was great to be remined that as every person is unique, every family is unique and we all do different things. Thank you Boris for reminding us 'Being HeartSmart' means accepting and celebrating our differences'.
We have also taken responsibility for cleaning our toys and equipment and tidying our environment ready for the break. What super helpers we are!

During our well being time, we have once again enjoyed quiet time sharing stories outdoors.

In our physical development, we have enjoyed developing our confidence in climbing and balancing whilst having lots of fun on the adventure playground and Fort Lewis. I can't believe how confident we are!

During our literacy sessions, we have continued to speak our stories 'Jaspers Beanstalk' and 'Doggy's Sunflower', focusing on using intonation and expression. Some of us were even confident enough to speak a story to the whole group – wow!
During our writing sessions, the older children have recapped letter formation of the letters m a s d t. It has been lovely to observe how proud the children are in their efforts.

It has been another super week – I think we all deserve a break!

Have a wonderful half term break everyone

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