Wow! Wow! Wow! This week at school has been full of excitement because we received a letter from N.A.S.A! They have given us a very special mission... to find out everything we can about Jupiter! Why? N.A.S.A have told us that they are planning a mission to Jupiter, and they need our help! This meant that straight away we stopped our English lesson, and we got on with the job of helping N.A.S.A. We researched and gathered as many facts as we can about Jupiter, and we have been learning to connect the facts using the magic word 'and'. Next week, we will be getting straight into the writing!
In Maths, we have been recapping our number bonds to 10 and 20, and then we were using them to help us make number bonds to 100.
During our afternoons, we have been busy replicating Vincent Van Gogh's style to create our own Starry Night. In Music, we have put all our learning together and performed 'Hot Cross Buns' as a class on the recorder. It sounded great team, well done! We have also been learning how to use Pic Collage and continuing our learning on our R.E topic too.
Hope you all had a great weekend,
Miss P
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