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C of E Primary School

Last week's Year 3 news

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Year 3 have been busy again this week working so hard and learning lots!
In English we learnt or new talk 4 writing story about a pirate princess called Penny who lives on a pirate ship with her pirate family. Can you remember the actions and can you show you adult at home? W have learnt these so well as a class that we battled each other and the winners this week at remembering the story and actions were Clementine and Oliver. Well done! We also thought learnt about some more characters from the story, introduced speech and speech marks and predicted what we thought would happen next.

In maths we have continued with addition and subtraction, this week focusing on adding one digit numbers to three digit numbers using number lines to show your working out. You also had a recap lesson on shape and on coins and practised your times tables all in one week! Now time for a rest!

This week has been anti bullying week and to start it off we all wore odd socks to celebrate that we are all different and that this is a good thing! We read a story called Troll Swap and had a think about the message of the story. We decided it is good to be unique and we drew pictures of ourselves and asked others to write our wonderful qualities around the pictures. We also enjoyed reading another book about fitting in called 'Something Else'.

We had an exciting start to our Computing learning this week. We learnt about how we could create a stop motion animation. We discovered that photos can be used to create our own pirate story animation. Our first taster was to use a stop motion app to write our name letter by letter. We can't wait to photograph our first scene with Lego characters. We made some pirate characters for our stop motion too. What an enthusiastic start Year 3!

We have continued to enjoy the reading challenge books and the book reviews are coming in thick and fast. Thank you, they are so important to help others choose a good book from our amazing collection!

We finished our week off with a TT Rock Star party to celebrate our fantastic TT Rock Star results! We played musical rock stars and musical rock bumps and had a general rock out to some music!

There is spag.com homework set for you this week.

Another fantastic learning week Year 3, I am proud of each and every one of you.

Miss McCurrie

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