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C of E Primary School

Last week at Preschool

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Last week was lots of fun in Preschool and our room was filled with song – we thoroughly enjoyed 'World Nursery Rhyme Week. We sang a rhyme each day and enjoyed lots of activities to support our learning of the rhyme.

On Monday, we all got aboard our Preschool bus ready for our rhyme 'The Wheels on the Bus'. In our mathematics, we sang the nursery rhyme as a group. At the end of each verse we stopped the bus for some of the children to get off. We then counted how many children were left? How many seats were on the bus? and how many spaces were left? For our literacy activity, we used vehicles with pens attached to them and we enjoyed moving the vehicles to create marks. As part of our communication and language development, we discussed journeys we had been on and talked about where we went to and how we travelled there. We also enjoyed creating wheel art as part of our expressive arts and design development, we moved vehicles through paint to create different marks. In our free play, we created a map of a bus route and this led to us drawing our own bus route to a destination, including, "Africa", "Princess Land", "The Farm"

On Tuesday, we sat on speckled logs and ate delicious bugs, you've guessed it, our rhyme today was 'Five Little Speckled Frogs'. In our mathematics, we sorted and ordered numbers 1 to 5 and we also counted forwards and backwards from five. We also enjoyed rolling a dice, counting how many spots and then moved our frogs up and down the lily pads the correct amount. Within our literacy session, we sang the rhyme together and listened to identify the words that rhyme. To support our physical development, we jumped like frogs from lily pad to lily pad. To support our communication and language development, we discussed what other animals live in a pond? Which animals are small and which are large? What do they eat? Can any of the animals also be found in a river or the ocean?

On Wednesday, our rhyme was 'Hickory Dickory Dock'. Within our mathematics we talked about time and looked at a clock. We then thought about what we do at different times during the day both at home and at Preschool. To support our literacy development, we discussed daytime words and night-time words. (sun/moon, breakfast/dinner, light/dark, Preschool/home etc). We also enjoyed creating a paper plate clock.

On Thursday, we went to Old McDonalds Farm. Within our literacy task, we drew a picture of the animals that live on Old McDonalds farm. To support out mathematics development, we sorted animals into groups and counted which group had the most/few animals. We enjoyed our messy play activity, we created different marks by dipping animals feet into paint and printing with them. Once we had finished our task, we created a farm animal washing station task and used brushes to clean the animals.

And last but not least, we spent our Friday looking after Miss Polly's dolly. Our doctors surgery role play was very popular so luckily we had plenty of doctors on hand to make Dolly better. To support our communication and language development, we discussed if we had ever been to the doctors and talked about how they helped us. Within our literacy task, we created a 'Get Well Soon' for Dolly. One of our favourite activities of the day was washing the dolls.

Thank you for sharing via Tapestry a video of your child singing their favourite nursery rhyme, we enjoyed watching them in Preschool and we couldn't resist singing along too.

Within our personal, social and emotional development, we thought about what makes us special with Boris as part of our Heartsmart session.

To support our wellbeing, we thought about what makes us happy and why? Then, listening to relaxing music, we drew a picture of what makes us happy. At the end of the session I asked how you were feeling and you all said "happy".

As part of Anti-bullying Week, we listened to the story 'It's Okay to be Different' by Todd Parr.. We learned we all have similarities and differenced and then discussed our similarities and differences. "I'm not a girl am I?" "He has eyes like me" "I am really special because I have curly hair". We then painted our own self portraits and talked about what makes us special.

What a busy week it was!

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