Happy New Year, year one!
This is not the way we wanted to start our new year but everyone has made me so proud with the determination and motivation you have shown to your home learning in the past week. This month will look very different to what we are normally used to as we work at homes with our families. However, you still all have me and I will only be at the end of a camera to read you stories and to tell you about your learning. This week you have shown me that you are strong, brave and resilient as you work hard at home or in provision on all of your seesaw tasks. I truly have such a fantastic class of 5/6 year olds!
In phonics and reading, you have been watching Rosie every day and learning all of your new sounds. You have been showing me all of your fantastic new spellings which you then use in your writing in English. You have been reading your oxford owl books online and although it is tricky to read on a screen you have done your absolute best! Each day you have also been receiving a daily story from me on seesaw where you have answered a question about the story. I love hearing all of your fantastic answers!
In English, you have written a recount about your Christmas day. You thought about what you did in the morning, what time you woke up and who you went to wake up first. You told me if Father Christmas had been and what he had left you. You wrote about all of your wonderful presents and described your favourite one. Then you finished writing about what you did with your families. These were all so lovely to read and it sounded like you all had such amazing Christmas days. For the rest of the week we looked more specifically at our topic of the 'zoo'. You researched your favourite animal and told me some facts about them. You created an acrostic poem on your favourite animals which were beautifully written. You then finished your week with some 'who am I' riddles which was a task we all enjoyed. You all wrote a riddle for two of your favourite animals and I had to guess what they were. It turns out Miss Haynes needs to do some more research about animals as you were better at writing them than I was guessing them. Next week you will be starting your first talk for writing topic at home. I know you will do fantastic!
In maths, you have been working really hard on lots of different tasks around numbers from 0-20. We will then move our learning on next week by taking a more mastery approach to the understanding of these numbers through our power maths work. Next week you will start your first power maths work at home with numbers to 20. I have sent you all a power maths login which can be found on your journal. You can use this login to access your power maths text book, you will then be completing your work in your power maths books. Sometimes we find our power maths work hard but remember all you have to do is message me on seesaw and I will be there to help you.
For now year one, we can't see each other properly in our classrooms because we have to stay in our homes to keep our families and ourselves safe. This makes me sad and confused so don't worry if you are feeling these emotions as well. Remember to talk to me and your parents everyday about how you are feeling. This won't last forever and before we know it we will be back in our classrooms laughing, joking and most importantly smiling.
A huge thank you to all parents that are giving up their time to look after you and home learn you. We know this is not an easy job especially if you are working from home yourselves. Thank you so much for your continued support, I appreciate it very much. If you have any questions or concerns please remember to email me on year1wybunbury@gmail.com I will be more than happier to help you!
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe,
Miss Haynes
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street