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C of E Primary School

Happy Half Term Year 5!

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Well Year 5... we have made it to the end of half term of home learning. You have continued to make me proud each and every day. You have all showed dedication, determination and confidence in each of the tasks that I have set you. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone supporting our learning at home. You have all done an amazing job to support home learning whilst also continuing with your own work and lives.

We started our English work this week by presenting our information text from last week. You were asked to create a booklet to present your information based on your new breed of animals. You were also asked to use illustrations, images and interesting fonts to present your information in an interesting way and you certainly didn't disappoint. I loved seeing how you presented your information. Some of you even chose to incorporate technology!
We then moved on to build upon our knowledge of relative clauses and relative pronouns. We used some great videos and an interactive quiz on BBC bitesize to recap what relative pronouns are, how they are used in relative clauses and what relative clauses are. We then completed a couple of follow up tasks including completing pages in our spag CGP books, identifying relative pronouns in sentences and highlighting relative clauses in the text. The next day, we moved on to learn about relative clauses more. We started by identify relative and main clauses in a piece of text. Then, the children were given an image of a beast in the sea. They were asked to plan what they would write about this beast. Using a model planning sheet, the children were asked to think about similes, how they would describe the beast's appearance, how to describe its movement, how to describe the noises it may make etc. After creating our own planning grids, we wrote our own paragraph to describe the beast. Our focus for this task was to include sentences with relative clauses. Finally, to end our week and to celebrate the end of term, we took part in what I hope was a fun writing task. The children were asked to choose from three different writing stimulus. They were asked to choose from the following tasks: write about what a frog was daydreaming about, write what a turtle's speech was about or write a commentary of the pandas at the zoo. Your writing made a giggle a lot. You all had so many creative ideas!

In our Maths work this week, we have continued to work through our multiplication and division unit in Power Maths. At the beginning of the week, we were continuing to learn how to multiply 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. You have all shown that you have gained more confidence in using the long multiplication method to solve problems like this. Later on in the week, we moved on to learning about division. We showed fantastic skills in this area. You have used short division and the part whole method to divide up to a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number. We will continue to build on these skills next term too.

In our reading lessons this week, we have been exploring the text 'Demon Dentist' by David Walliams. Over three lessons, we explored the book cover, the characters and have answered questions based on the story.

In our afternoons, we continued to learn about the reproduction of plants in Science, we learnt more about ecosystems in Geography and have learnt about the meaning of the words temperature, precipitation and elevation and we also learnt more about the different periods of the Stone Age.

I hope that you all have a relaxing and well-deserved half term break. I cannot wait to see you all virtually after half term and hopefully it won't be long until we can return to the classroom.
Miss Welch

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