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C of E Primary School

A busy week in Y3!

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And another week has passed us by full of writing, maths, science, reading and much more!

In maths this week, we have conquered column addition adding two and one digit and then two digit and two digit numbers together. You have all done such a good job and kept asking for more! We have even ended our week with trying column subtraction which you gave your all and tried your best. Another great learning success for Y3!

In English, we have continued with our writing about pirates. We have made word banks of pirate words to use in our stories, like 'ahoy there', 'treasure', 'cannon' and 'walk the plank'. We have described pirates to each other and played word games to help our story writing next week.

Our science lessons have been all things light! We used the cardboard boxes (thanks for your donations) and made small holes in them and shone torches in at different places to see what we could see. We learnt lots of facts about light such as that light is the absence of dark, that light travels in a straight line and that it is travels at over 300,000,000 metres per second! We then found out that lights can come from many sources and recorded these in our science books...which sources did you choose? We then went on to make our own whizzer wheels which showed that although light is made of lots of colours we usually see what we call 'white light'. Lots of fun was had too, I can't wait for next week's science lessons where we will learn about shadows!

In our mindfulness lesson this week, we all took part in some Minecraft yoga. Some of us were unsure about this to start with but you were all so good! It was a lovely moment of calm in our busy learning week and gave us some fun, quiet time too. Great moves Y3!

In French, we recapped our greetings and conversations asking what is your name and moved on to asking how old are you and answering. We are getting really good, have you tried out your French at home?

We showed out respect on Wednesday by joining the school in a socially distanced two minute silence to remember the special people who fought for us and who are still fighting.

You have spag.com homework set this week and a question in your blue reading response book to have a go at too.

Have a lovely weekend and a lovely rest. You deserve it!

Miss McCurrie

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