Welcome back Year 2! It was wonderful to see all your smiling faces on Monday, and it was great to have our class family back together again.
On Monday, we settled into being back together and began learning about our new topic – The Stone Age. In our history lesson, we looked into how long ago the Stone Age was, and we learnt three new words: Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. These are the three eras of the Stone Age. The Paleolithic Era is the old Stone Age. The Mesolithic Era is the middle Stone Age and the Neolithic Era is the new Stone Age. We then got creative and created our own Stone Henge pictures with paper.
On Tuesday, we looked at division word problems in maths. We learnt how to find the key information to create a number sentence. It was tricky, but we were resilient and we worked together to achieve success. Well done team. In English, we continued writing up our recipes for the Wybunbury Delves Cook Book which we started on Monday. You put your handwriting skills to great use. They are looking beautiful. Your afternoon lessons were with Mrs Pointon and you recapped the key events within the Easter Story. As a class you talked about the main events and used this discussion to help you order the events alongside a video to help you. Mrs Pointon was impressed with your comments in relation to the real meaning of Easter and how it isn't just about the giving of Easter eggs. As part of your afternoon, you were also tasked with the job to create a poster encouraging everyone to stay safe and wash their hands carefully. You came up with so many fantastic designs, well done!
On Wednesday, we were back into the full swing of learning. We finished off our multiplication and division unit in Maths and you showed off your skills. You have worked so hard on mastering these two calculations. I am very impressed. In the afternoon we started our big art! As a class we created Stone Henge! It's not quite as big as the original, but it is still very impressive.
On Thursday, we did our 'Have A Go' write in English ready to start our new Talk4Writing unit on Monday. It was lovely reading your stories. Thank you team! In Maths, we paused PowerMaths and did something very exciting! We took part in Wybunbury Delves' school census. First of all we learnt about what a census is. We learnt that it is where you ask and answer questions. For our census in school, we were asked the question: 'What is your favourite book?' To work out the answer, we took part in a survey and recorded the data using a tally chart. We then turned our data into a block graph in Friday's lesson.
For your afternoon lesson on Thursday, you started your new Headstart unit – Don't Rub It In, Rub It Out! You spoke about the importance of forgiveness and learnt that this helps us to clear our hearts and move on. You also began your new music unit. In music, you began to learn how to play the ukulele. First of all you learnt that the ukulele belongs in the string family. Next, you watched a ukulele performance of 'While My Guitar Gentle Weeps' by Jake Shimaburo followed by a performance of the hymn 'Morning Has Broken.' You then learnt about the different parts of this instrument.
On Friday, you had P.E with Sportscape. Your focus was athletics and you raced against each other in relay races and sprints.
Hope you're having a lovely weekend,
Miss P
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street