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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Preschool news 9.2.24

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This week in preschool we have continued with our three little pigs traditional tale. The children have really enjoyed listening to and joining in with our sensory version of the story, we listened to the sounds of the pigs and a wolf, felt the difference between the straw, sticks and bricks, and we enjoyed feeling the huff and puff of the wolfs breath from the blown up balloon.

The children have built some great houses and structures using wooden blocks with shaving foam mortar. We were all amazed at how well this worked!

Our number of the week this week has been number 5, with the children finding 5 objects, things that show 5 and singing the rhyme' 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive!'
We have also started working on musical patterns with the children using two different instruments to make a repeating pattern.

In our Heartsmart session this week we looked at our favourite things using our different senses, our favourite thing to taste, smell, touch, hear and feel. The children chose some great things such as the feel of a bunny rabbit's fur or the taste of chocolate!
We also went on a walk in the sunshine and talked about the things we could see, hear and feel. We then took a few moments to enjoy a quiet peaceful time in the fresh air, a 'Mindful Moment'

We have supported Interfaith week this week by looking at different cultures and beliefs. We read several stories about children from different religions, we listened to the tale of 'The First Banquet' and we celebrated Luna New year on Friday with dressing up, dragon crafts, Dragon and Lion dances and a snack of noodles with chopsticks.

Our focus story has been Look up by Nathan Bryon, and we have encouraged the children to look up at the night sky and see if they can spot any meteors, stars or the moon.

Next week will be the last week of our space theme and we will also be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with pancakes and Valentine's day with lots of crafts.

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