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C of E Primary School

Preschool news 8.3.24

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This week we were very surprised to find a giant egg in preschool. We have spent the week trying to work out what may be inside. During our investigations we have learned that birds, reptiles, like snakes, crocodiles, and tortoises, and some insects hatch from eggs. We are waiting eagerly to see what might hatch!
We have read some more fantastic dinosaur themed books and the children have made some dinosaur pictres out of 2d shapes.

On Tuesday we received a parcel through the post, we were happy to discover some seed potatoes for us to grow in the preschool garden. We have put these to chit on the windowsill.

Throughout the week we have been learning our new oral story 'The Little Green Dinosaur' The children have picked it up very quickly and it is lovely to watch them retelling it.
Our literacy focus for the older children has been alliteration with the sound 'a' and we have also been practicing our oral blending and rhyming.

In our heart smart session this week we played a game in which the children were learning to work cooperatively, they had to invite their fiends into a hoop when the music stopped. Boris says, 'Sharing and playing together makes games more fun.'

The children have been very busy this week making their beautiful Mother's Day flowers and vases, we hope you like them and have a lovely day on Sunday.

On Thursday we were joined by lots of story book characters for world book day! the children looked amazing. We really enjoyed sharing lots of stories with them throughout the day.

On Friday we started to learn how to fill in a tally chart, we asked our friends their favourite colours, marked these off on the chart and then carefully counted which one had the most marks next to it. The children really worked hard on this and we have some fantastic interactions, counting and number writing.

We have spent a good deal of time outside this week, the children have been building, balancing and using their imaginations to ride a train and go camping.

Next week is Science Week. We will become archaeologists, looking at fossils and digging for dinosaur bones.

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