Welcome back preschool! It has been lovely to see you all again and to welcome our new starters.
We have dived straight into our new themes this week, our whole school theme is My Planet and Me and in preschool we have begun this with our topic of 'Growing'
Our traditional tale this term is 'Jack and the Beanstalk' we have begun by reading the story, and also listening to a musical version which the children have loved.
We have planted our very own beanstalk in a jar, so we can watch it grow, as it roots and shoots. We have also been planting beans and peas for our preschool growing area.
Our rhyme of the week has been 'I'm a little bean' with the children starting scrunched up into a small and round 'seed', and then stretching up tall like a beanstalk.
Our story of the week has been Jasper's Beanstalk and we have used this to help us look at the days of the week.
For our craft this week we have looked at the colours in a rainbow and carefully used tissue paper to recreate these. The children worked really hard on these and have made a lovely display in our 'Art Gallery'
In our Heartsmart lesson we have listened to the story of 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' and discussed how we must always tell the truth. Bible reference 'He delights in those who tell the truth. Proverbs 12:22
In our N2 literacy focus we have learnt how to say, read and write the letter 'm' The children have blown us away with how hard they have worked on this!
Our N1 children have been working hard too, they have been making new friends in their circle times, and learning Fred's circle time rules.
Next week we will be celebrating Earth day on Monday and St Georges day on Tuesday, and planting sunflowers for our garden.
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