This week in preschool we have begun to look at our next mini beast Worms! The children have enjoyed listening to the story 'Superworm!', by one of our favourite authors Julia Donaldson, and they have learnt the rhyme 'There's a worm at the bottom of the garden'
We have made our own wormery layering soil compost and sand into a tub. We placed some worms inside and then we then added a layer of leaves with the children adding some of their fruit peelings for the worms to eat. During outdoor play the children found a few extra worms which we then added to our wormery.
On Thursday some of the children observed some more worms and drew pictures of what they could see. We also learned some fantastic worm facts such as they have no eyes or ears and they breath through their skin. The children then had a go at moving like a worm!
Caterpillar Update! On Monday we were delighted to see three beautiful butterflies in our net. We released them into the preschool garden and are hopeful that we will see them again.
In a maths activity we have been rolling out playdough worms and comparing the lengths of them.
In our Heartsmart session we sang the rhyme Incy Wincy Spider and talked about how the spider didn't give up, kept trying and climbed the spout!
We have oral story mapped the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and the children are very good at retelling this story using the map.
We would like to say thankyou for the donated car garage, the children have been really enjoying playing with it!
Next week we will be painting butterflies, going on a bug hunt and taking part in our sports day on Friday.
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