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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Preschool News 28.6.24

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This week in preschool we have been learning about our new mini beast 'worms'

The children worked together to build a wormery, layering the soil and sand before adding some worms from the preschool garden.

We have enjoyed the story 'Superworm' and have learned a new rhyme 'Wiggly Woo'
The children learned some facts about worms using an information book, we learned that they have no eyes, no ears and no nose but they do have a mouth. They eat dirt and roots and leaves and are very useful in the garden, helping to improve the soil for growing. We also learned that they move by wiggling and we had great fun trying to move like a worm!
We tried hard to make worm pictures by blowing paint through straws with varying degrees of success. We also made observational drawings of worms being very careful to draw the shape and patterns off the worms.

We have made the most of the lovely weather and our shady outdoor space, playing with water sprayers, the scrambling net and we also enjoyed a lovely outdoor snack.

On Wednesday we did our heartsmart session; we read the story of We're going on a Bear Hunt and tried to think of different ways to overcome the obstacles. The children were very good at coming up with their own ideas, such as swimming, using a torch and wrapping up in hats and scarves. We also talked about how much fun we would have missed if we had given up. Boris says 'There is always a way to keep going'

On Thursday we explored the school grounds, trying to find all of the orange orienteering markers. We used a map to help us find the last marker, following the picture across the field, under the mobile shelter and around the corner to fine our last one.

On Friday we did a sports day practice, the children were amazing again!

We have exciting news from Friday afternoon, one of our cocoons has hatched and we have one beautiful butterfly. We will be looking eagerly at our net on Monday hoping to see some more.

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