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C of E Primary School

Preschool news 26.1.24

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This week in preschool we have continued our mission to space! We have turned our role play area into a 'rocket station' equipped with lots of control panels and our very own space suit.

The children have enjoyed the Oliver Jeffers story 'The Way Back Home' and have joined in really well with our rhyme of the week '3 little men in a flying saucer'

They have also made 'moon art' using different materials and paint to print the moons surface, and investigated our moon sand exploration tray.

Our main maths focus this week has been the make up of '3' and we have also practiced writing the numeral 3. We have also recapped prepositions during dough gym.

In our Heartsmart and wellbeing lesson this week we learned to help a friend in need, playing boris' bean bag game. Bible Reference 'we must not become tired of doing good' Galatians 6:9

We have introduced our traditional tale 'The Three Little Pigs' this week, it has already become a preschool favourite!

On Thursday the older children worked together of write an oral story and then worked really hard independently to write their own story maps.

We have made the most of the improving weather by spending lots of time outside, the children have engaged in lots of activities including playing hide and seek, football, making a balance track, and entertaining each other with a 'show'

Next week we will be looking at the number 4, continuing on our mission in space, and we will be building houses for the three little pigs.

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