We have had a magical week in Preschool.
We were visited by Santa on Thursday, we have been practising our nativity songs, we have been very busy making Christmas craft surprises, we have put our Christmas tree up and have been hanging our homemade decorations on to it and if that wasn't enough, we began our learning based around the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'!
To support our communication and language development, we have listened to the story 'Goldilocks and the Three bears' and have been answering questions about the story. We have also enjoyed playing the game 'Bear says...' this involved us listening for a signal.
In our personal, social and emotional development, we have been developing our turn taking skills and have been learning to play a variety of card and board games, including, snap, bingo and snakes and ladders.
We have also completed two HeartSmart sessions.
In session 1, we learned that each one of us is loved, special and important. We discussed the picture in our Boris book where his heart is filling up. I explained that it was because he listened to the kind words the children told him and he let their love into his heart. Next, the children passed a bag round which was full of special messages. When the bag stopped, we chose a card and read it "I am special" "I am unique" "I am amazing". These messages filled our hearts with love. Thank you Boris for reminding us that we are loved, special and important.
In session 2, we learned we all like different things and that is one of the ways we are unique. First we listened to the song 'My Favourite Things' from The Sound of Music'. We listened carefully then discussed what her favourite things were. After that, we thought about our favourite things, it was lovely to hear that we all have different favourite things. We then discussed that next time we feel sad, maybe we could try thinking about our favourite things. Boris says "Having different favourite things makes us all special and unique".
Within our physical development, we have continued to enjoy our squiggle while you wiggle sessions and this week's piece of music was 'Jingle Bells'. I am super impressed at the children's improving pencil grip with each session. We have also continued to develop our independence skills.
During our literacy sessions, we have been learning to speak the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. First we created our story map and then we added actions help us to recall the story. In our writing activity, we drew pictures of the characters from our story.
In our mathematics sessions, we have been comparing and ordering bears according to size and we have been developing our counting skills.
To support our understanding the world development, we have been retelling the story of 'The First Christmas'. We used puppets and small world toys to support our story telling.
In our expressive arts and design development, we have been very busy creating Christmas surprises and we have learnt the 'Goldilocks Song'.
During our free play, we have role played dentists, drawn lots of pictures, built enclosures for our small world animals, completed jigsaws, whizzed around on scooters, thrown leaves in the air and so much more...
Thank you for another wonderful week Preschool.
Have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone next week
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Bridge Street