This week in preschool we have moved on to travelling on water. We have read the story 'The Journey' by Neil Griffiths and Scott Mann, and the children have had lots of fun in the water tray experimentingwith different objects, seeing if they floated or sank and our rhyme of the week has been 'Row row row your boat'.
The children have also enjoyed dressing up as doctors and nurses, doing a very good job of looking after our babies in the role play area.
We have continued to move around the path in different ways, with the children riding the hobby horses, pushing the babies on a lovely walk and bouncing around on the space hoppers.
On Thursday we were very busy in the out door area sweeping up the autumn leaves. The children had a great time running through them and throwing them around before being very helpful and scooping them up for Helen.
Our number of the week this week was number 3 and the children are experts at showing finger numbers to 3 and counting out three objects. We have also been playing a number game on the interactive board, with the children waiting beautifully for thier turns. We have also been practicing counting up to 10, doing 10 claps, 10 stamps and counting like different characters.
Through the week the children have completed their name jigsaws and have taken them home to practice. We would love to see some pictures of them on seesaw completing them at home!
On Friday we played a Boris Heartsmart game, the children rolled a ball to each other and talked about what makes them special. Boris says "There are lots of great things about me!"
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