We have been very busy this week in preschool. The children have been enjoying the autumn sunshine and have been joining in with lots of Bear hunt themed activities.
We have acted out our first oral story of the term, with the children moving around the outdoor area over, under, through and around different obstacles. It was lovely to see some of the children carry on this learning in their free play, mark making their own stories and then acting them out.
Some of the children enjoyed experiencing the feel of squelchy mud, ice, and water in our very own Bear Hunt bare foot walk.
We have also been on a 'Fruit hunt' to the school orchard, where we found apples, plums and pears.
The children have enjoyed singing our rhyme for this week 'The Bear goes over the Mountain' as well as choosing their favourites from our rhyme spoons.
The children have been working hard to be independent while putting on coats and shoes and we would appreciate it if they could practice this at home.
We have been starting to take part in small group activities, these have included circle time where the children have talked about what they have done over the weekend, and an adult led maths activity.
We have also introduced Boris the Robot in our Heartsmart Session
Thank you again to the children who have been bringing in their favourite stories to share, please continue to do this, the children are really enjoying this.
Next week we will be introducing the story of The Colour Monster, exploring different colours and continuing with our Wonderful Me topic.
Have a wonderful weekend
Preschool Team
Helen, Libby and Kim
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street