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C of E Primary School

Preschool News 19.1.24

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This week in preschool we have made the most of the wintery weather. We have been exploring the school grounds looking for signs of winter and taken part in lots of Winter themed activities.

We have sorted out our spare clothes into 'winter' and 'not winter' and played winter clothes bingo. Our rhyme of the week this week was '5 little snowmen', with the children working hard to show finger numbers for each section of the rhyme.
We also made winter process art, with the children using lots of different resources to create their own winter inspired pictures. These have been hung in our preschool art gallery!

Our maths focus this week has been the number 2 with the N2 children finding different ways to represent the number 2 and then practicing to write it.

For our well-being session this week we looked at the book 'You Choose' and then talked about who we would like to be.

We have read our story book 'Whatever next' and used props to bring the story to life in our role play area. On Friday the children worked together to sequence the story, working out what happened 'first' 'next' 'then' 'after that' and 'finally'

On Thursday we did a 'Sticky kids' P.E. session, the children especially enjoyed 'Zooming to the moon'

Our rhyming literacy focus has continued this week with lots of the children now telling us when they spot two words that rhyme during story time.

Next week we will be looking at the number three, continuing with our space theme with the books 'The way back home' and 'Here we are', by Oliver Jeffers, and we will be starting our traditional tale for this term 'The Three Little Pigs'

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