Well Preschool what a busy week we have had this week!
We started our week by taking part in a 'thankful walk', we walked around our preschool area and the school grounds and looked at all the things we could be thankful for. We then had a talk about who and what we were thankful for at home. The children then drew a picture of something they were thankful for, there were some fantastic ideas, with the children being thankful for their mums and dads, rainbows, the sun and God.
We have also listened to the story 'special me' and sung along to '123 it's good to be me' to reminded ourselves how special we all are!
In literacy we have made an oral story map of our story 'Jasper's Beanstalk' , the children are really good at retelling the story.
We have also read and listened to the story of Handa's Suprise' this week, and the children have enjoyed tasting some different fruits at snack time including; pineapple, papaya, mango, and avacado.On Friday we made some fantastic fruit kebabs which we ate at lunch time.
Our rhyme of the week has been 5 green bottles and we have started to look at some of the number bonds to 5.
We have also started to investigate how tall our beanstalks have grown, with the children measuring them using a ruler. We have also been measuring our plants outside using tape measures and metre sticks.
We have been working on our fine motor skills with the children using pipettes to make beads of water and scissors to snip the grass.
Outside the children have really enjoyed our new 'bubble stations' in the outdoor area, blowing and chasing the bubbles around in the sun and playign with their friends.
We had a special visitor on Tuesday when Mrs Ward came in to read some stories and to spend some time with the children.
Thank you to the parents who have posted onto seesaw, your children have really enjoyed sharing their activities with their friends!
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Bridge Street