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C of E Primary School

Preschool News 17.5.24

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A Week of Growth and Exploration!

What an exciting and engaging week we've had! From reflecting on our growth to enjoying the sunshine, our preschoolers have been busy with a variety of enriching activities. Here's a look at what we've been up to:

Baby Photos: We had a wonderful time looking at our baby photos and discussing how much we have grown. It was a heartwarming activity that helped us appreciate our journey so far. Thank you to everyone for posting these for us, the children really enjoyed sharing them with their friends.

Handa's Surprise: We dove into the vibrant world of "Handa's Surprise". We read the story using props and listened to a musical version. We also explored and tasted different fruits just like in the story, we tried pineapple, mango, avocado, passion fruit and papaya. The highlight was making our own delicious and colorful fruit kebabs on Thursday, which was both fun and nutritious!

In our maths exploration we looked at patterns and subitising: Our young mathematicians worked on creating ABAB patterns using fruits and music. We also practiced subitising up to 5, enhancing our number recognition skills.
We measured our plants, each other, and various objects in our environment, making connections between our learning and the world around us.

Heartsmart Thankful Walk: During our Heartsmart session, we took a thankful walk in the sunshine. We expressed gratitude for apple trees, birds singing, airplanes flying overhead, and our teachers. It was a beautiful way to appreciate the simple joys around us.

Skills Development:
Our younger preschoolers practiced essential skills such as washing their hands properly and taking turns in circle games that focused on throwing and catching skills.

The older preschoolers focused on phonics, particularly the sounds 't' and 'i'. They enjoyed a variety of activities that helped reinforce these sounds.

The sunny weather allowed us to spend plenty of time outdoors, where we played hoopla and had fun with bouncy hoppers, we enjoyed the building imaginative structures, and playing bat and ball and chasing games.

Looking Ahead:
Next week, we will start the week by celebrating World Bee Day. We will continue to explore our theme of growth and learning, and we are looking forward to Thursday morning and our Sports day.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your child's learning journey. We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to another great week together.

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Bridge Street

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