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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Preschool News 11.11.22

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This week in preschool we have enjoyed making marks in different ways with some unusual objects.

The children used cones, twigs and acorns from our autumn tray to apply paint to their pictures and they have used paint stampers to add texture and pattern to their poppy petals.

We have continued to look at our theme people who help us, sharing stories such as 'Zog and the flying doctors' and 'Pepper goes to Hospital'. The children have enjoyed dressing up as doctors and caring for the babies in our role play area. We have been scientists and looked at how far germs can travel in our glitter experiment and we have all practiced washing our hands properly to get rid of those pesky germs.

We have been working hard on our gross and fine motor skills, making some fantastic marks in our squiggle sessions and we have practiced our throwing, aiming for the bullseye of our target.

Our Rhyme of the week has been '5 little firefighters' with the children counting how many firefighters are on the engine and how many are still waiting in a row.

In our Heartsmart session this week we have looked at how we are all different and how this is okay, and we looked at the Todd Parr book 'It's okay to be different'.

We have been exploring instrumental sounds, playing our new favourite song 'Ready Steady Stop' with our musical instruments, the children are continuing to learn to clap out the syllables in their names.

On Thursday and Friday we talked about Remembrance day and the children made poppies which they held when we joined the rest of the school for 2 minutes silence at 11am on Friday 11th.

Next week we will be moving on to transport, starting with vehicles that travel on the land.

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