This week in preschool the children made an eggciting discovery! The children discovered a large green egg in the classroom.
We looked at all of the different creatures that could have left the egg, with the children drawing pictures of it and what they thought might be inside. It created a lot of fantastic discussions and imaginative play. On Thursday we discovered that the egg had broken with a 'Little Green Dinosaur' leaving footprints through preschool.
In literacy we have read lots of different dinosaur stories and started to story map our focus story 'The Little Green Dinosaur'
Our sound of the week this week has been 'a' we have collected different objects such as an apple, and an ambulance and the children have made 'silly soup' with all of the 'a' words.
For our fine motor activities this week we have joined in with dough gym, practiced our cutting skills and have been building towers from small cubes and joining together links to make chains.
The children have enjoyed making and painting paper plate dinosaurs in our focus craft this week, and we have used musical instruments to represent the sounds we thought dinosaurs would make.
The children have also been using the puppet theater to retell the story of the 'Three Little Pigs' and to act out their own stories.
In our heartsmart session the children had fun playing a game in the school hall, encouraging their friends to join them in their 'hoop islands', counting the people in the hoops each time.
On Thursday we were very lucky to be visisted by the Cheshire Constabulary who gave the children a tour of their 'big van' and told us how they are there to help us and keep us safe.
Next week we will be looking at fossils and the signs we have found to show us about life from long ago. We will also be celebrating St. Patricks day on Friday.
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