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C of E Primary School

Preschool News 10.11.23

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This week in preschool we have continued with our travel and transport theme. We have been using bikes, scooters and cars to travel around the preschool and reception gardens.
We used different road vehicles to make tracks in paint and we have enjoyed playing with the happy land road and village.

Our rhyme this week was 5 little firefighters. We learnt a little about what firefighters do and how they help us and we had a fun session getting "fit like a firefighter" doing different exercises such as the 'ladder climb' and 'get out, stay out, call 999'

On Thursday we talked about road safety and played a fun game of ''stop and go' around the preschool room.

In our Heartsmart sessions we read the book 'It's ok to be different' by Todd Parr, and we talked about how we are all different with different hair and different clothes. 

We also filled a shoe box for the Samaritan's shoebox appeal, with the children choosing some of their favourite things to share with others.
We have begun to look at the value of numbers this week starting with number 1. We collected one of each object and looked at the different ways to represent 1. We are all very good at showing 1 on our fingers!

We have continued to practice our oral story of 'Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle' the children are fantastic at retelling the story and with joining in with the actions.

We joined the whole school on Friday to observe a 2 minute silence for Remembrance Day, and we made our own poppies to hold whilst we stood beautifully alongside the rest of the children.

Next week we will be moving on to travel by rail, the number 2, and also looking at Diwali. 

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