What a busy week we have had this week in preschool!
Our week started off with a German language lesson, where the children learned how to say 'Hallo' to their friends.
We have been recapping the number 1 this week with the children practicing the value of one as well as identifying the numeral 1.
For our Physical development this week we have enjoyed moving our bodies to the sticky kids and also a Three Little Pig yoga session.
Outside we have been threading colourful ribbons through our willow tunnel.
For our Heartsmart session we have talked about the people in our houses and drawn them in a house template. We have also listened to the 'Colour Monster' story and discussed how to be kind in Preschool.
The children have also enjoyed making a winter themed picture using different materials, colouring pictures of the Three Little Pigs and exploring gloop.
We have been listening to our topic story 'The Three Little Pigs', reading different version of the same story and taking part in a sensory version where the children explored the sounds that pigs make and the textures of the straw, sticks and bricks.
We have written our own oral story and the children have started to tell their own stories and act them out in Helicopter Story Time.
Next week we will be continuing with 'The Three Little Pigs', making houses our of different shapes, junk modeling and building with different media and materials.
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