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C of E Primary School

Preschool News 05.05.23

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This week in preschool we have been celebrating the coronation of King Charles the Third. The children have made crowns, flags, and bookmarks. They have also learnt what 'coronation' means and what will happen on Saturday. We have also learnt to sing the National Anthem 'God save the King' as our rhyme of the week.
The children looked lovely in their red white and blue outfits on Friday while they enjoyed their 'coronation' lunch.

We have been making the most of the beautiful spring weather with the children having lots of fun in our outdoor area. We have been balancing, building, and throwing. The children have also been looking after our growing garden, sewing more seeds and watering them.

In literacy we have continued to enjoy our growing stories and have listened to the story of the 'Worrysaurus'
We have made up a story called 'The spooky story' in our oral story and then the children acted out their own stories on our 'stage' in 'Helicopter Story' time.

Continuing with our theme we have looked at the lifecycle of a bean and used our fantastic cutting skills to make a lifecycle picture. The children have also enjoyed playing in our 'Giants kitchen' rolepaly area, counting his golden coins. 

On Friday we enjoyed playing different musical instruments and singing along to the song' Ready steady stop'.

Next week we will be building a scarecrow to protect our garden and singing along to 'dingle dangle scarecrow'

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