Welcome back preschool! What a busy first week back we have had. We started our week with 'Pumpkin Heroes' listening to the story of Patch the Pumkin, we decided to use Patch's kindness rules as our preschool rules. They are 'We are kind', 'We share', 'We include everybody' and, 'We help each other'
The children had lots of fun with several pumkin based activities, including making faces on pumpkins with shapes, pins and hammers, playing with pumkin slime and making our very own paper plate pumpkins.
On Wednesday we started our people who help us topic, reading the book 'A Focus on People who help us'. We talked about the different people in the book and discussed who helps us and how. Well done to all of you helpful parents out there, the children told us how you help them get ready for bed, read them a story and make their teas!
On Thursday we watched a video of some fireworks and made some lovely firework pictures. We talked about how we must stay safe on Bonfire night, especially when watching a bonfire or when holding sparklers.
On Friday we were joined by a special visitor. Pc Nick came to see us and told us how helpful police officers are. The children asked some questions about what he does and how police officers help us. He kindly showed us his car and even sounded the sirens for us.
The children were very well behaved and we were very proud of them.
We have been learning the story of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle in our focused story time this week, the children have been fabulous at retelling the story and using the actions
Our rhyme of the week this week has been 'Twinkle twinkle chocolate bar, my dad drives a rusty car'
Next week we will be looking at firefighters and vehicles that travel by road. We will also be starting our number of the week, with number 1
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