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C of E Primary School

Preschool News 01.10.21

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Another super busy week at Preschool.

In our communication and language development, we shared the story of 'The Very Helpful Hedgehog ' by Rosie Wellesley. We were introduced to new vocabulary such as alone, helpful, pile, paddock and discussed the meaning of these words. Throughout the week we answered questions about the story and we are now beginning to ask our own questions. To bring the story to life we have made our own salt dough hedgehog and use scissors to snip and create a paper plate Isaac the hedgehog.

We have enjoyed many activities to support our physical development this week. We have been using scissors to develop our cutting skills, enjoyed our daily dough disco sessions and have started our 'squiggle while you wiggle' sessions – see Tapestry for some more information.

To support our personal, social and emotional development, we have continued with our Heartsmart sessions. This week we learned to work and play cooperatively together. In small groups we listened to each other's ideas as we worked to build our own Boris the Robot using junk materials. "We have to give him a heart so that he can feel love" Freddie reminded us. You can see our fantastic robots in Preschool.

During our literacy sessions, we have continued to recall the story 'Rosie's Walk'. During our writing activity, we drew our own story map of the story and then shared with our friends. It was wonderful to watch the children use their story map to retell the story. Throughout the week we also began to explore the walk of the sneaky fox and talked about the differences and similarities of Rosie's and the foxes story. This prompted us to think about how we can tell our own stories. We went on our own walks around our school environment and once back in Preschool we recalled our walk to each other.

It has been wonderful to share our autumn treasures from home this week as part of our understanding the world development. The children confidently talked about their finds and it was lovely to hear about your adventures and share your photographs on Tapestry. As we shared our finds it was lovely to explore and discuss objects that we hadn't seen before, for example, conkers, horse chestnuts, sycamore seeds and catkins. We are definitely autumn experts now!

We have been exploring colour and how colours change during our expressive arts and design development. The wet weather was perfect for this exploration. As we painted the ground outside and the colours began to run together we observed changes "It's changing colour" "Look red and yellow make orange" "It's gone brown". Back inside we continued to spend time time experimenting with how colours change.

Today we ended our week with our sponsored Colour Run to raise money for Team Lewis and funds for school. Great fun was had by everyone and we certainly were very colourful at the end.

What a colourful week we have had at Preschool

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