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C of E Primary School

Preschool News 01.03.24

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Welcome back to preschool, we hope you all had a lovely half term break!

This week we have started our new theme of Dinosaurs. We began by listening to Dinosaur Roar and 10 Terrible Dinosaurs by Paul Stickland. We then read some fantastic dinosaur facts, learning that some were carnivores, some were herbivores and some were omnivores.

On Wednesday we measured out the length of a brachiosaurus across the playground, the children were amazed at how long it was!

Our rhyme of the week has been 10 little dinosaurs and we have introduced lots of dinosaur play activities throughout the provision. The children have particularly enjoyed playing with dinosaurs both inside in our small world area and outside in our large tyre.

We have been learning how to use watercolour paints in the workshop area, with the children carefully dipping their brushes into water before brushing along the paint colours. There have been some fantastic pictures of dinosaurs painted!

Our literacy focus for the N2 children this week has been alliteration with the sound 'mmmm' we have made a 'm' collection with lots of different objects and we have also made these into some 'silly soup'

In Heartsmart this week we have started looking at what makes a good friend, playing the 'we are all friends together' ring game. Boris says we enjoy doing lots of different things with our friends. Bible Reference 'Dear friends, we should love each other, because love comes from God.'

We have also introduced our new traditional tale 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' The children have done some fantastic listening to this and already know it really well.

We have spent lots of time outside this week, with the children exploring the blowy weather using bubbles and streamers, mixing up petals in the mud kitchen and playing lots of games of hide and seek.

On Friday we celebrated St David's day with lots of daffodil crafts. We coloured, painted and created our own daffodils and enjoyed walk around the school grounds to celebrate the first day of meteorological spring.

Next week we will continue on our dinosaur discoveries, listen out for the sound 'a' and celebrate World Book Day on Thursday.

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