Preschool, despite a disruptive start to our week we have continued to settle beautifully into Preschool life. We have adapted amazingly to our rhythms and routines and I think a few mummies and daddies have been amazed too!
So what have we been doing?
To support our communication and language development, we have been listening to short stories answering questions using the pictures to help. I have been super impressed with your concentration and sitting skills. It has been lovely to sit and join in your play too and we have had many wonderful conversations together.
To support our personal, social and emotional development, we have continued to explore our indoor and outdoor environment, developed relationships with our peers and adults and we have been developing our independence, including, putting on own aprons, making independent choices in using resources, setting up our snack table, pouring our own drink at snack time and washing our hands – great job!
To enhance our physical development, we have enjoyed time balancing, climbing and swinging on the adventure playground and we have enjoyed learning how to climb our Preschool trees and tyre – you are super brave and most definitely risk takers. To support our fine motor development, we have thread pasta onto string to make a necklace and we have been using scissors to make snips in paper.
Nursery rhymes have been the focus of our literacy sessions and this week we have been learning the rhyme 'Incy Wincy Spider'. We created a song map (you can view this in the photo section) and used our talk for writing actions to help us recall the rhyme. You also enjoyed using our microphones to perform our rhyme and help to fill in the missing word of the rhyme too. I wonder what rhyme we will choose to learn next week?
We have begun to explore what we look like as part of our understanding the world development, discussing our differences and similarities and what makes us unique. We shared the story 'You are Special' by Su Box and learned that we are all special. Next week we will share our baby photos and compare how we have changed from babies to now. Parents if you haven't done so already please can you add a photograph of your child as a baby to Tapestry.
For our expressive arts and design development, we used paint and a paper plate to create our self portraits. We spent time looking at our face in the mirror, then described our eye/hair colour, hair length and discussed similarities and differences between each other. You will be able to view our wonderful creations on our display next week. We also created our own Incy Wincy Spider.
During our free play, we have completed jigsaws, sang along to nursery rhymes on the cd player, cared for our babies beautifully, built towers, been crafty with paper, glue and feathers, whizzed around on the scooters, cooked up a a storm in the mud kitchen, explored musical instruments, weighed different objects and so much more..
Thank you for a super week everyone.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week
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