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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 23.6.23

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Year 6 you have worked so hard and achieved great things this week. Even the hot weather hasn't hindered us. Great job.

We have worked hard on our Theme Park maths project this week. We have calculated the first two weeks running costs, our ticket prices and we have begun our advertising campaign. We have chosen different ways of advertising from: billboards, newspaper or magazine drops, radio or TV broadcasts. We are nearly ready to share them with our competitors.

We have turned to poetry in English this week. We began by performing the poem Sick. We split this poem into stanzas and then acted out the spoken piece. We are now working on our own nonsense poem by considering different types of nouns. We will continue with this next week.

Our book club sessions have taken a twist this week as we have used some of this time to complete our advertising campaigns. We have also completed crosswords, Sudoku, read with adults and enjoyed our books. Our class story has also been read.

Our afternoons have been as equally as busy as our mornings.

Sports Week has been underway across school this week. We have enjoyed three different sports this week. We had a special visitor in school today sharing his tennis knowledge and delivering a fab tennis lesson. Thank you Mr Broughton for adding a special moment to our Sport's Week. We loved it.

We have also enjoyed many other afternoon lessons. We have begun to create a study work page using our Geography campaign posters and we have also begun to record our archaeological dig broadcasts. We will continue with these next week.

We have also enjoyed Music and French with Miss Holland. We are practising our Leavers songs and thinking about our journey through school.

In Science this week we began our Adaptation unit. We used the marine habitat to consider the challenges animals have when surviving under water. Our learning is moving towards designing a species of our own. I was so impressed with the challenges Year 6 came up with as they used their geography knowledge of looking after our planet.

We have completed our RE assessment this week. We have created a collage of Diwali images to celebrate this Festival of Lights.

We began a new Art unit this week thinking about mono printing. Our observational skills were put to the test as we created quick line drawings of buildings. We will bring out the ink and rollers next week to bring our mono paintings alive.

A new DT project also began this week. We are focusing on bread in our Food Technology unit. We began our learning by looking at the history of bread and then went on to learn about good and bad microbes. We ended our learning looking at the microbe – yeast. Next week we are on to taste testing. We have scheduled this for Friday morning as it is the only day I have a full class.

This brings me to mention that we have a busy transition week next week. Good luck Year 6 – you will have a wonderful time meeting new friends and new teachers.

We ended our week joining our buddies in the Reception garden on their Theme Day which was great fun.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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