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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week

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A busy and productive week in Year 6. We are settling back into our learning and have covered many different aspects of our curriculum. Well done Year 6.

You are working hard on your arithmetic skills as soon as you come through our classroom door, and you can now complete ten different calculations in ten minutes. Brilliant and a huge achievement. We have completed our position and direction geometry unit and assessed our learning. We have now begun our decimals unit. We have worked with decimals by multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We will now move onto matching fractions to decimal equivalents. We ended our week completing our eighth arithmetic paper. New homework has now been set to reflect our learning on coordinates.

In English this week we began a new Talk 4 Writing unit. Our new unit is on descriptive writing and we started by completing a cold write. We have begun to learn my model text using pictures and actions and have recited as a team. We have used our thesaurus skills to up level key vocabulary, and we have used different images to complete a short burst write. We will continue with this unit next week.

We began our week with our My Happy Minds lesson and a new unit. Appreciate is our focus word. This module is focused on the importance of gratitude for yourself, others and experiences.

Our book club sessions this week have been based around the book When Darwin Sailed the Sea. We have used different extracts to introduce the idea of species and how they adapt to their environments. Our reading skills have seen us constructing summary answers and creating topic sentences.

We continued with our Autumn RE unit, incarnation, this week as we completed our assessment. We wanted to answer our question – How do different artists show what is important about the incarnation? We worked together as a table team to think about the key parts to the Christmas story and planned out a collage of artwork to share our ideas. We will complete our artwork next week.

In Science this week we began our new unit on Living Things and their Habitats – classification. We started by using Liquorice Allsorts and created branching keys to classify each sweet. We then went onto leaf characteristics looking carefully at their characteristics. We created a fact file and will now go on think about different key questions we could use to branch them into similarities. We will continue with this unit next week.

We have continued to think about Big Art this week as we used willow charcoal to create our own cave art sketches. Some amazing results Year 6. We will now think about making our caves to transfer our artwork onto.

Our History unit continued this week with a focus on the Old Stone Age. After watching a short documentary, we thought about the different developments throughout the Paleolithic times and created a comic strip to show our learning. We will continue with our topic next week.

In Music this week we began a new unit. We are listening to music to focus on its detail. We listened to different tracks and then thought about the instruments we could hear. We discussed its tempo and if we liked the piece.

PE with Mrs Jenkins and Sportscape has taken place this week.

We have enjoyed our second forest schools lesson this week. Spending time with our buddies is always a treat. We went on a nature hunt and listened to a story. We then shared our knowledge on creating sparks to help reception to create a dragon sneeze. The second part of our session was dedicated to our Science learning. We thought about the seven processes of life and then went on to think about the classification areas. Thank Mr Hadfield. We always love our Forest Schools time.

We were joined this week by PC Nick who discussed road safety. He presented different slides where a great discussion took place around different ways of keeping safe.

Our Year 6 Courageous Advocacy class worship will be shared with you next Friday. We are busy thinking about our pets and what makes a good one. We will share our thoughts with you and hope you can join us.

I don't think we could have fitted anything else into our week. I know we have had some tired minds this week as we all get back into our learning after our Christmas break. Please could you encourage early nights to settle children into a new learning week. I hope you enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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