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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 24.1.25

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What a busy week we have had in Year 6. You just don't stop from the minute you walk through the door.

We have completed our ratio and proportion unit and begun our algebra unit. We have used function machines to work out one and two step rules and used this information to write algebraic equations. We are beginning to get our heads around this new concept, and we have all had to show resilience when reasoning. I am so proud of you all. New homework has been set.

Our main objective of our English lessons this week has been planning and writing our Darwin discovery narrative. We have used doodles and subject specific words to enhance our ideas and formal language. We have now written our first two paragraphs. Well done Year 6.

We have all been busy completing end of term assessments this week. So far, we have tackled a reading paper, two maths papers and a spelling paper. One more paper to go next week – SpaG paper. I am so proud of you all. You have worked hard and challenged yourselves. Well done.

We have completed last term's Science and Geography units this week by completing end of unit assessments and we have gone on to begin our new Science unit on Inheritance, Adaptation and Evolution. We used different biscuits to consider characteristics and then went on to find an offspring biscuit. We enjoyed watching a short video sharing variations and how our characteristics are from parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents. We will continue with this unit next week.

We have continued to think about why Moses was chosen by God in RE this week. We used mind maps to record our own evidence about his life and the qualities he shows. We were able to answer our question using our facts.

In Computing this week we began a new unit on programming with variables. We used Scratch 3 to develop a project where different sprites achieved different scores. We will continue with this lesson next week.

During our Art lesson this week we gathered ideas for different messages we can express in our own piece of artwork. Making a change in their community or the wider world was the discussion and children went on to think of ways they can demand the attention of those who view their artwork.

We have continued with our Stone Age history unit through forest schools this week. We have explored Stone Age settlements further. We explored what other features may have been present in our shelters including a seating area, bed, fire, hunting equipment and entertainment. Children added their own clay pots and tools to their shelters and role played life living in the Stone Age.

We have enjoyed Wellbeing this week and worked in our own journals. We have also focused on the phrase: all the same; all different in our PSHE lesson. Year 6 agreed that they should always respect people's differences as this is being Heartsmart. Bible reference: Even more than all this, clothe yourself in love. Love is what holds you all together in perfect unity. Colossians, 3:14.

We have enjoyed our Kick PE lesson this week and we have visited our daily mile too.

We have been working together this week to write our own class worship ready to share with you next Friday. We would also like to share our playground sculptures at the end of our class worship and invite you to look around all our miniature pieces. They will then be ready to come home.

We ended our week by spending time reading with our favourite buddies.

Well done Year 6. You have been very busy and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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