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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 21.6.24

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We have tackled so many learning activities this week and worked so hard. Well done Year 6. You are all super stars.

We have continued to tackle problem solving questions in Maths this week. I am so impressed with your knowledge Year 6. You are applying your skills and showing your strategies. Brilliant work.

In Book Club this week, we have begun to use the book Explorer to drive our learning. We have focused on setting description and character analysis to support our learning.

We have enjoyed using Digimaps in Geography this week. We have focused on our local area and used ordnance symbols to identify places of interest. This is a great feature to use and one we thoroughly enjoyed in class.

In History this week, we have researched the Iron Age using QR codes and focused our research by answering set questions. We have presented our findings in our own chosen way.

We have been introduced to a new artist this week. Our new unit is called Take a Seat where we will be creating different sculptures, including a seat. We have looked at seats through History and created some sketches of ones we found interesting.

We welcomed the Nationwide Building Society and their Money Matters workshop into class this week. What a fantastic session. We learnt about many different areas from banking accounts to keeping your money safe and much, much more. Thank you to Gemma and Jacob for giving up your time and leaving us with your fab goodie bags.

We have enjoyed our PE sessions this week and our Music lesson too.

We ended our week spending time with our buddies.

What can I say Year 6? Your attitude to learning is spot on. You have all worked so hard and I hope you have a brilliant weekend.

Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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