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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 3.5.24

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An amazing week Year 6. You continue to work hard in all areas of your learning and you are covering so many areas of our curriculum too. Well done

Maths this week has been dedicated to statistics. We have worked with pie charts this using our fraction and percentage knowledge. We have used them to interpret information and make predictions. We completed this unit by learning about the mean of a set of numbers. We are now onto Geometry. Today we tackled the 2023 Arithmetic SATs paper and we will look at the rest of these papers next week.

We have begun a new piece of writing this week – a balanced argument. We have also sat a Spelling and grammar paper and discussed the areas we found tricky. We have focused on able and ible this week in our spelling lessons and we have begun to look at plurals too.

During Book Club this week we have been busy reading our own books. We have also enjoyed completing crosswords and other word puzzles.

We have been just as busy in our afternoons. We have continued with the silk-screen printing process in Art and we have thought about how nutrients enter our blood stream in Science. We have used a lovely story book in RE which has helped us to build a strong wall of all the names God is known by. We have enjoyed three PE lessons this week and we have been out on the daily mile track too. In Music this week we thought about how music can affect the lives of others. We ended our week with our 3d modelling lesson in Computing and we shared some of our iPad time with our favourite buddies too.

Please can you encourage your child to keep up to date with their homework. New homework has been set.

Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend and I hope the sun shines for us.

Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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